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Basic Examples

String Enhancement

from newtype import NewType

class EnhancedStr(NewType(str)):
    def reverse(self):
        return self[::-1]

    def duplicate(self):
        return self + self

text = EnhancedStr("Hello")
print(text.reverse())     # olleH
print(text.duplicate())   # HelloHello
print(text.upper())       # HELLO (original str methods work)

List with Validation

from newtype import NewType

class TypedList(NewType(list)):
    def __init__(self, type_check=None):
        self.type_check = type_check

    def append(self, item):
        if self.type_check and not isinstance(item, self.type_check):
            raise TypeError(f"Item must be of type {self.type_check}")

# Usage
numbers = TypedList(type_check=int)
numbers.append(42)        # Works
numbers.append("string")  # Raises TypeError

Dictionary with Default Values

from newtype import NewType

class DefaultDict(NewType(dict)):
    def __init__(self, default_value=None):
        self.default_value = default_value

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        if key not in self:
            return self.default_value
        return super().__getitem__(key)

# Usage
d = DefaultDict(default_value=0)
print(d["non_existent"])  # 0
d["exists"] = 42
print(d["exists"])       # 42

Method Exclusion with @newtype_exclude

from newtype import NewType, newtype_exclude

class SafeStr(NewType(str)):
    def __init__(self, value: str):
        if "<script>" in value.lower():
            raise ValueError("XSS attempt detected")

    # This method will return a regular str, not a SafeStr
    def unsafe_operation(self):
        return str(self)

    # This method will return a SafeStr
    def safe_operation(self):
        return self.lower()

# Usage
text = SafeStr("Hello")
print(type(text.unsafe_operation()))  # <class 'str'>
print(type(text.safe_operation()))    # <class '__main__.SafeStr'>

Performance Optimization with slots

from newtype import NewType

class MemoryEfficientStr(NewType(str)):
    __slots__ = ['_cached_value']

    def __init__(self, value: str):
        self._cached_value = None

    def compute_expensive(self):
        if self._cached_value is None:
            # Simulate expensive computation
            self._cached_value = self.upper() + self.lower()
        return self._cached_value

# Usage
text = MemoryEfficientStr("Hello")
print(text.compute_expensive())  # HELLOhello
print(text.compute_expensive())  # Uses cached value

Custom Initialization with Validation

```python from newtype import NewType from typing import Union, Optional

class IntegerStr(NewType(str)): def init(self, value: Union[str, int], base: int = 10): if isinstance(value, int): value = str(value) try: int(value, base) except ValueError: raise ValueError(f"Value must be a valid integer in base {base}") super().init()

def to_int(self, base: Optional[int] = None) -> int:
    return int(self, base or 10)


num = IntegerStr("42") print(num.to_int()) # 42 hex_num = IntegerStr("2A", base=16) print(hex_num.to_int(16)) # 42 try: IntegerStr("not a number") # Raises ValueError except ValueError as e: print(e)